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Me and Nic Broke Up

Me and Nic Broke Up

Take The Pledge

The scoop

The scoop

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH)’s Me & Nic Broke Up campaign is a new initiative prioritizing Chicago youth, with a focus on enhancing knowledge about the dangers of vaping and promoting cessation by “Breaking up with Nicotine.”

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Take The Pledge

Take The Pledge

Time to Break Up 
for Good

Drop ‘Nic’ for good and earn a scholarship for staying vape-free! CDPH is awarding a select number of scholarships to Chicago-based students who commit to a vape-free lifestyle. These scholarships are intended to help students financially support their education.

Enter your contact info below.

No Vape


Breaking Up With Nic

Liv has been breaking up with Nic on and off for years, a fact Kaden painfully reminds her of. Follow Liv’s journey as she finally makes the breakup stick, with the support of her friend.

Amperands Artwork


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